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Go grains! Meet our superstar Rootastes lunch bases

Go grains! Meet our superstar Rootastes lunch bases

We all know the importance of whole grains, but did you realize that each grain has its own specific nutrient profile? We’re putting the spotlight on our favorite grains, the ones we use here at Rootastes.

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is the most popular rice used throughout Thailand and Southeast Asia. It is a white rice that packs 4.2 grams of protein per cup and is a good source of minerals such as niacin, thiamine, iron, and selenium.

Brown Rice

Brown rice, more nutrient-dense than jasmine rice, contains 4 grams of fiber per cup, which has been proven to lower cholesterol and decrease your chance of heart disease.

Along with fiber, brown rice contains 88% of the recommended daily value of manganese, an antioxidant vital to the “powerhouse of the cell,” the mitochondria. Manganese is also essential in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol.

Black Rice

Black rice is considered an ancient grain and is loaded with nutrients. It’s lower in carbs and higher in fiber than other rices, and its dark color makes it a higher source of antioxidants. According to the American Chemical Society, one spoonful of black rice has more antioxidant power than a spoonful of blueberries.


While technically not a grain, quinoa is a seed known to boost energy and metabolism due to its high fiber and protein content. It’ll also keep you fuller longer.

Being loaded with thousands of trace nutrients snagged quinoa a spot on the United Nations “super crop” list.

Although a seed, quinoa has a soft texture when cooked, similar to jasmine rice.


Kamut is a nutty flavored, tender grain that contains the entire daily recommended dose of manganese for women (78% for men) which, as with brown rice, functions as an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.


Like quinoa, millet is a seed that is gluten free. Millet contains B vitamins and phenol, and antioxidant that can reduce your risk of developing chronic disease, according to a study by the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

We think all of these grains taste delicious in our bowls, and recommend trying each one until you discover your favorite.

Meet Rootasters:

Meg is a dreamer, entrepreneur, and homesteader based in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. She loves her cats, feasting, and road trips in her green VW Bug. 


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