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Posts tagged "Lifestyle"

5 Healthy Spring Snack Ideas

5 Healthy Spring Snack Ideas
Spring is a season that inspires us to eat better and move more, and one of the most effective ways to get started is by eating healthier snacks. That doesn’t mean we have to give up snacking, just be smarter about it. Here at Rootastes, our favorite snacks are fruity, savory, and reflective of the flavors of spring.

Add Sweetness to Your Beauty Routine With Honey

Add Sweetness to Your Beauty Routine With Honey

The use of honey can be traced back over 10,000 years. Many ancient civilizations used honey as a sweetener or would bake it into honey cakes as a gift to their gods.  

Hieroglyphics depict hives used by the ancient Egyptians, and archeologists have discovered honey in Egyptian tombs that’s still edible- over 3,000 years later.

Even before the Egyptians, however, honey has been a popular staple in food, healing, and cosmetics. Honey is becoming a popular ingredient in shampoo, facial cleansers, and bath products. We love its sweet scent, nourishing properties, and cleansing capabilities. Here are our favorite ways to add sweetness to your beauty routine: